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How to Make Alkaline Water?

What’s Alkaline Water?

Before digging deeper to find out different ways in which you can alkalize water, you will probably want to learn some more information about it. Water can be neutral, acidic, or alkaline, which depends on the level of pH in it. Experts consider that if its pH is 7, then the liquid is neutral. If the pH in the water is less than 7, it is acidic. Vice versa, if this level is more than 7, we have alkaline water.

According to EPA standards, the level of pH in your drinking water can vary from 6, 5 to 8, 5. Depending on the region in which you live, your tap water can be a bit more acidic or alkaline. As most people believe that the second type is better for their health, they buy alkaline water, which comes in bottles.

What are the Benefits and Risks of Alkaline Water?

Benefits and Risks of Alkaline WaterRecently there have been a lot of discussions revolving around alkaline water. Some people say that it is beneficial to our health, others claim that it is risky. Here are some of the supposed advantages and possible risks of this type of water.


  • Some researches prove that alkaline water is beneficial for people who have diabetes, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure.
  • Scientists also claim that a higher level of pH leads to better blood circulation.
  • Alkaline water is also claimed to help the anti-aging process.
  • It is believed that a high level of pH supports the immune system.
  • If you want to lose weight, you should also drink this type of water. The reason for this is the fact that it helps the process of digestion.
  • Because of its detoxifying properties, alkaline water will help you get hydrated and improve the health of your skin. The more hydrated you are, the more energy you have.
  • It is also supposed to be cancer-resistant.
  • The higher pH strengthens your bones.
  • Drinking alkaline water can help people who have reflux problems.

Side effects

  • Alkaline water lowers the natural acidity in your stomach, which is responsible for eliminating bacteria and which doesn’t allow any contaminants to get into your blood.
  • The excess level of pH in your body can cause skin irritation and gastrointestinal problems.
  • Another downside is that excessive alkalinity leads to the agitation of the normal pH level in your body. This condition results in metabolic alkalosis, which may be accompanied by the following symptoms:
  1. Quivering hands;
  2. Throwing up;
  3. Feeling of sickness;
  4. Confusion;
  5. Convulsive muscle movements;

Different Ways to Make Alkaline Water

Different Ways to Make Alkaline WaterYou have most probably already made alkaline water at home even before knowing what it is. In this part of our article, you are going to read about some of the simplest ways in which you can add pH to water:

· Using soda

There is no doubt that this is the most common way of alkalizing your tap water. What is the reason for this? The answer is simple – baking soda has a high level of pH. The following steps show how to turn drinking water into alkaline one:

  1. First, prepare fluid ounces of water (note that you should purify it in advance) and a 1/8 tablespoon of baking soda.
  2. Then, put the soda in the water.
  3. Next, shake and stir the mixture until the soda dissolves thoroughly.
  4. Finally, you have your alkalized water ready.


You may not find the taste of soda very pleasant because of the sodium that it consists of. Try to avoid this way of alkalizing water if you are on a diet that requires you to cut down on salt. Another case in which you shouldn’t use baking soda is if you are sensitive to sodium.

· Adding pH drops in your drinking water

Recently, it has become widespread for people to drink water with a high pH level. That’s why they prefer adding special drops to their water. The level of pH in them is increased because there are highly concentrated electrolytes and minerals in them.

Thus, by putting several drops in your glass of water, you alkalize it. You can use one bottle of these drops for a great number of glasses. People prefer this way of making alkaline water to using baking soda because it is more budget-friendly.

· Using lemon juice

Another homemade method through which you can get alkaline water is with lemon juice. Some may argue that this is not possible as lemons are acidic. Indeed, the level of pH in lemons is not high. However, a lot of byproducts are produced while your organism metabolizes them.

Researchers have proved that when you drink lemon juice, the level of pH in your urine gets higher. The link between lemon juice and the level of pH in your blood has not been determined yet. Neither are the advantages of this drink.

What we know for now is that if you dilute lemon juice, it won’t be that strong, and it is safe to drink. In addition to this, the taste of this beverage is much better than the one of soda. Moreover, we all know that there is a lot of vitamin C in this citrus fruit, which is very healthy for us.

The recipe is similar to the one for using baking soda. You just mix 1/8 tablespoon of lemon juice with 8 ounces of purified water.

Tip: You’d better squeeze the lemon to get its juice in advance and put it in the fridge.

·  Using a pitcher to filter water

Nowadays, there are a lot of jugs that have filtration systems. Some filters can add pH to your water. Keep in mind that the process of alkalization, in this case, is just a byproduct. The main function of these pitchers is to reduce the level of chlorine and other contaminants in the water.

An advantage of these jugs is that they come at a reasonable price. However, they also have a downside – it takes the water a lot of time to go through the filter.

· Using special filtration systems

Another option to alkalize your tap water is through filtration systems. Apart from eliminating a variety of pollutants from the water, some of them also have mineral balls. They are intended to increase the level of pH. There also some more complex systems which release magnesium and calcium.  This also leads to the alkalization of water. You may also want to check out our article on how to remove calcium from the water.

· Using water ionizers

Without a doubt, the optimum way to increase the level of pH in your tap water is by water ionizers or electrolyzers. These systems operate thanks to electrolysis. During this process, negative and positive electrodes are separated in the water. Thus, we have an acidic stream of water and an alkaline one.

Apart from being very effective at producing alkaline water, ionizers are also the preferred choice because they don’t add any substances to them. If you think long-term, it is less expensive to buy an ionizer than bottles of mineral water. What is more, these machines are considered to be eco-friendly as they do not require using plastic bottles.

Warning: Some ionizers can increase the level of pH in water too much, which makes it not suitable for drinking. Another thing that is worth considering is the fact that the initial amount of money that you need to spend to purchase an ionizer is huge.

Here are some simple steps to follow when using a water ionizer:

  1. The first thing you need to do is to set up the machine. Typically, there is a fitting that is designed to connect to the hose. When you get your ionizer, check if it comes with clear instructions and with all necessary parts.
  2. Then you need to make sure that your ionizer has an external knob. If it is not equipped with such a thing, you’d better find one. You are going to need it, especially if you want to take the machine with you when you travel.
  3. Next, it is time to adjust the level of pH. The top ionizers, available at the market offer this option. You are advised to set the pH to be between 8 and 10. In the beginning, it is better to adjust it to a lower level so that your body can get used to it. In case you don’t get any digestion issues, you can increase the level of pH.
  4. After the water goes through the ionizer, it is already safe to use.

· Using water distillers

What water distillers do is boil the water that you put into them. This process destroys any bacteria or pollutants that the liquid may contain. Distillers are also considered to alkalize your water to a certain extent. You can combine this method with pH drops. Whenever your water is distilled, put some of these drops in it, and you will be sure to have what you need.

Of course, you can always check out the best alkaline water brands and buy ready-made alkaline water!

Wrap Up

To sum it up, alkaline water is supposed to have a lot of benefits to your health even though none of them is scientifically proved. On the other hand, the excess pH in your water may hide some risks which you need to be aware of. Anyways, if you have decided that the higher pH level is good for you, there are many ways in which you can alkalize your tap water at home.

Also, read our blog post on acidic water facts.

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