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Eddy Water Descaler Electronic Water Softener Review

There’s a place for everyone under the Sun and that’s why we are showing you a product which is basically an alternative to a water softener. It is completely up to the user to decide whether the pros and cons here are worth the purchase.

Main Properties

Eddy Water Descaler Electronic Water SoftenerSo the Eddy Water Descaler is advertised as a water softener but it does have a couple of key characteristics to it. What is unique here is the fact this is actually an electronic device and not an actual cartridge. The machine has coils which are…well, coiled around your piping.

What it does is produce an electromagnetic wave which interacts with water. This magnetic field goes through your incoming water. Its main goal is to stop limescale from sticking and depositing itself into your pipes.

What Does It Remove?

Eddy Water Descaler Electronic Water Softener ReviewTo people’s surprise, this unit will not remove or add anything to your water. In fact, it will not alter the number and the amount of TDS in your water at all. The product never actually interacts directly with your water because everything happens in the electromagnetic field.

It will emulate softened water but what it essentially does is to make so that nothing will build up inside your faucets and pipes. Also, nothing beneficial will ever be taken out of the water. No salt is added to it too. Calcium, for instance, will remain intact.

The Contents of the Set

Well, the contents of the set are rather simple here. You only get the box with the Eddy Water Descaler along with 4 wires. Installation does not require a plumber as no plumbing changes will occur. No pipes will be detached as all you have to do is plug the machine, attach it to a wall or let it rest somewhere and that’s it. Just make sure you coil the wires around the pipe properly.

The set doesn’t have any wrenches or nails. You just need the mounting bracket and you are ready to go. An AC adapter is also included and here’s one important piece of advice. Do not ever mount the device outdoors. It is not waterproof and is 100% electric. It will not only malfunction but also poses a fire threat in case it gets wet when operational.

In the buying guide, we tell you what to look for in a water softener. Here are things to consider before you buy!

What To Expect

One of the biggest advantages of this water softener is the lifetime repair/replacement. Yep, the company will not even bother giving you a 5 or 10-year warranty. They give you a lifetime one and this goes to show you how good the quality of the product is. Additionally, you get a 12-month money-back guarantee.

Don’t expect your skin to feel different, though. The water is essentially not softer and a simple test can confirm that. Its big upside is related to how low its maintenance is and how much it will reduce your hassle cleaning buildup from your faucets.

For example, if you have city water of reasonable quality and you have a family of 2 people, you will have to clean and replace faucets every 6 months instead of every 30 days. This is quite the difference made by such a small de-scaler.


  • Lifetime guarantee – you get a free replacement if it breaks down
  • Does not interact with your water – no salt is added, the water does not go through resin or filters.
  • All the minerals survive.
  • Magnetic field – this is the main character and it helps defeat all that nasty buildup
  • Cheap to maintain – just wipe the dust off of it
  • No plumbing changes required


  • Not an actual softener – while it will somewhat improve your water, you will not feel it when drinking and washing
  • Can’t be installed outdoors – it’s not waterproof

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